About Us

We welcome you and pray that the Word of God delivered from this ministry becomes a testimony you can share with friends and family. Our desire is that you will witness firsthand the love and Grace of God as you navigate through this site.

– Pastor Jim

Our Mission:

At Grace and Truth Church International, our mission is rooted in the profound belief that authentic connection with God begins with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are more than just a congregation; we are a vibrant community driven by the heartbeat of compassion and a deep desire to positively impact lives.

Our Core Values:

Grace-Centered Faith: We believe in the boundless, transformative power of God’s grace. It’s not about where you’ve been, but where you’re going in Christ. Our church is a place where all are welcomed with open arms, regardless of the past, because we know that God’s grace is sufficient for everyone.

Truth-Based Teaching: We are committed to sharing the unadulterated truth of God’s Word. Our teachings are grounded in biblical principles, guiding individuals toward a deeper understanding of their faith and empowering them to live out their beliefs in everyday life.

Authentic Relationships: Community starts with the heart, and at Grace and Truth Church International, we prioritize building meaningful relationships. We believe that by connecting with one another in genuine, loving ways, we can create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Heartfelt Impact: We understand that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ leads to a transformed life, and transformed lives lead to transformed communities. We are passionate about making a positive impact on the world by serving others, loving our neighbors, and reaching out to those in need.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to be a beacon of hope and a source of spiritual nourishment for people from all walks of life. We envision a world where individuals are not only connected to God but also to each other in deep, authentic relationships. Through these connections, we believe we can make a lasting and meaningful impact on our communities and the world at large.

Join Us:

At Grace and Truth Church International, we invite you to join us on this incredible journey of faith. Discover the transformative power of God’s grace, dive into the depths of His truth, and experience the warmth of genuine, Christ-centered community. Together, we can impact hearts, change lives, and make a difference in the world. Welcome home to a place where grace and truth meet, and where hearts are forever changed.